Previous Sessions -Feb thru April.

February 2021

February 2021

Angelic Realms.

All three major religions of the Western world; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, as well as virtually the entire world’s other systems of religious belief, include celestial and the angelic realms in their cosmologies.

March 2021

March 2021

Sacred Geometry.

The term sacred geometry describes the geometrical laws which create everything in existence. They are the divine proportions and patterns as found in nature, for spiritual or sacred purposes. Everything in nature is made up of patterns, structures, and designs from the smallest atom to the infinite universe. The patterns can be broken down into a language of mathematics that rules the entirety of our visible and invisible world.

April & May  2021

April & May 2021

Crystal Gridding.

What if I told you there was an easy, creative, and effective way to amplify your intentions and utilize the healing energies of your crystals? Crystals are already an easy and exciting method of harnessing the power within yourself and focusing on manifesting your best and most authentic self, but there is a specific tool to propel that forward. During our next OWLS meeting, we’ll tackle their meanings, types of crystal grid boards, and some additional tips to make those most out of these powerful energy tools.

Previous Sessions - June thru August.

June 2021

June 2021

Connecting to your Spirit Guides.

When we become willing to see a world beyond our physical sight, then life becomes easier, we feel safer and we can access our true power. I’ve grown to rely on these nonphysical guides in every area of my life. Knowing that there is a presence always supporting me has given me unshakable faith and strength. There have been countless moments in my life when I’ve witnessed the divine intervention of my guides.

—Gabby Bernstein, psychic medium and author

July 2021

July 2021

Ascension to 5th Density.

The ascension has brought us all to a very special time in history.  Though we must deal with an inevitable polar shift due to climate change and increases to the Schumann resonance that surround us, we will begin to feel the benefits from the infusion of galactic energies that are helping to transform Gaia (Mother Earth) and our Solar System.  However, there's much misunderstanding around this transition that needs to be clarified.  For example, we don't ascend to a 'dimension', rather we transform to a new density, and not just one, but a range, in this case the 5th, 6th and 7th densities, where the new form of the divine human, DIVINICUS, is taking shape.

August 2021

August 2021

Mastering Meditation

The mystery of meditation beguiles those who have not yet experienced it… Part of the trouble is that the language of meditation can seem abstract; we’re talking about the mind and our experiences in the mind, which can be difficult to articulate. The best way to dispel this quandary is through practice and experience. The power and simplicity of meditation can only truly be understood at the experiential level. Achieving connectedness between mind and body is a phenomenon that can radically change one’s outlook on life.

Past Events Sept. thru December

  • September 2021

    Raising Your Vibrational Frequency

    First and foremost, you might be asking yourself: Why is this important? Why do I need to raise my vibration? What does that have to do with manifestation? Well, that’s a good question! We are all made of energy. We are all vibrating at different frequencies. I bet you’ve heard that people feel “low”. Different moods make you vibrate at different frequencies. The better you feel, the higher your vibration.

  • October 2021

    Astral Projection

    Astral projection, sometimes called astral travel, is an intentional out of body experience (OBE.) Those who engage in astral projection believe in the existence of a soul or a sense of consciousness that is separate from the physical body, which is referred to as the astral body. This astral body is capable of traveling outside of, or away from, the physical body, which is how astral projection or astral travel is achieved.

  • December 2021


    Most agree that Starseeds are traveling souls from other planets who incarnated on Earth to inspire and heal human beings, and to participate in the planet’s evolution. It’s also possible that these Starseeds are physical descendants of aliens from other worlds, who traveled to Earth to be our planet’s lightworkers.

Attracting abundance is guided by the Laws of Resonance… The universe resonates in the vibration of who you are. Only by shifting your identity can you manifest your dreams~