Upcoming events.

Mastering Meditation
The mystery of meditation beguiles those who have not yet experienced it… Part of the trouble is that the language of meditation can seem abstract; we’re talking about the mind and our experiences in the mind, which can be difficult to articulate. The best way to dispel this quandary is through practice and experience. The power and simplicity of meditation can only truly be understood at the experiential level. Achieving connectedness between mind and body is a phenomenon that can radically change one’s outlook on life.

Crystal Gridding - Field Trip
What if I told you there was an easy, creative, and effective way to amplify your intentions and utilize the healing energies of your crystals? Crystals are already an easy and exciting method of harnessing the power within yourself and focusing on manifesting your best and most authentic self, but there is a specific tool to propel that forward. During our next OWLS meeting, we’ll tackle their meanings, types of crystal grid boards, and some additional tips to make those most out of these powerful energy tools.

March - Sacred Geometry
Understanding our connection to Sacred Geometry and it’s connection to the divine. Sacred geometry brings about certain effects of healing, harmonizing and re-balancing on all levels. It connects the inner and outer, uniting all.

February - Angelic Realms
Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed. In fact angels have no religion as we know it...their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth.