Ready to Bloom

This isn’t really a blog, it’s more of a poem or a statement about the times we find ourselves in today. I really tried to put into words the climate of our nation and the hope I feel for the future of humanity - to capture this unprecedented moment in history for prosperity’s sake... I believe strongly that the ascension of many “enlightened” fellow beings will bring us out of this darkness and back into the light of love. I’d love to know your thoughts! I’m “Ready To Bloom”, how about you?

Ready to Bloom

As I gaze across the newly seeded fields to the horizon

I am hopeful for tomorrow.

That as a united nation we can overcome any adversity

if we do it together.

But unity cannot be forged without the armor of forgiveness

and forgiveness cannot be attained without redemption.

Only redemption can bring the unheeding to absolution

A lonely road traveled by few.

Whose footsteps paved the way for giants of history

by accepting responsibility.

Understanding that the causation of their actions

form a journey toward retribution, but not a cure.

It is the spark of redemption where justice lives.

But it cannot be served without truth

Nor truth without honor, for honor stands alone in the light.

Shining brightly on those willing to sacrifice for the greater good.

For whom only a brave few have proven worthy.

So for the rest of you lost in the entanglement of lies…

I can only hope to guide you toward the light of truth

and away from false prophets

Who dangle lies like appetizers on a tray made of sand

slipping easily through your fingers.

Keeping you on a steady diet filled with empty promises

peppered with seasonings of doubt.

Followed by a dessert tray of insults, dripping with the temptation of hate. 

But hate can only exist inside of a heart filled with rage

that never stops beating

Never satisfied until the darkness breaks your soul.

Leaving you shattered and broken.

Until you find yourself walking down a path of condemnation

looking for those at fault.

For whom there are many to impugn and blame, but not you.

You are free to love unconditionally once you set aside hate

and feel the grace of your humanity.

For humanity is the bridge that leads us toward a world of peace

fostered by inclusivity.

Inclusivity can only be accomplished by acceptance

of our many differences.

Differences that make up the beautiful bouquet of this nation.

So I’m hopeful today, that in some way, we are all flowers…

Ready to bloom once more. 


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